Teaching & Education

Vision International Training and Education Network – September 2020: 5 Ways to Find Common Ground this Election Season

Adjunct Faculty, Claremont School of Theology “The Art of Preaching in an Age of Exile”   Fall 2004, Fall 2006, Fall 2008, Fall 2011.

Presenter“Preaching and Proclamation” –  January 2011
A two-day Continuing Education event (10 contact hours) for newly-commissioned pastors of the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Faculty“Lay Ministry Academy” –  2004, 2005, 2006
A three-day workshop on worship and evangelism for lay leaders of the West Ohio Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Presenter“Ministry with Emerging Generations” –  2006
Lewis Fellows, Center for Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary.

Presenter“Extreme Sermon Make-Over” –  2005
A two-day workshop on preaching for United Methodist clergy; sponsored by the Order of Elders, California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Presenter“The Gospel of Christ and the Gospel of Culture” –  2005
Bishop’s Convocation, California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Presenter“New Movements in Worship and Preaching” –  2004
A one-day workshop on worship and preaching for United Methodist clergy; sponsored by the Board of Congregational Development, California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Key Note Address“Yes, I AM the Pastor” Conference  –  2003
A two-day conference for young clergy; sponsored by Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington D.C.

Key Note Address “Under the Big Tent” Conference –  2003
A two-day conference featuring a new generation of progressive Christian leaders; presented by The Center for Progressive Christianity; Notre Dame de Namur University,  San Francisco, CA.