by markfeldmeir | Jan 19, 2012 | Featured, Grace, Humility
Donald Miller wrote about a question one of his teachers asked his elementary school class one day. The lesson was on values clarification, and the question was this: if there were a lifeboat adrift at sea, and in the lifeboat were a male lawyer, a female doctor, a...
by markfeldmeir | Dec 8, 2011 | Faith, Humility, Obedience
I tend to be the kind of person who always pulls for the so-called “underdog.” Show me someone who is over-looked, under-estimated, disregarded, and I’m an instant fan. I like scrappy teams that aren’t supposed to win; on Oscar night, I cast my vote for that...
by markfeldmeir | Oct 27, 2011 | Faith, Humility, Jesus
Every once in a while I watch Antiques Road Show on PBS. People who have inherited a family heirloom, or stumbled across a piece of art or furniture at a yard sale, or found an old porcelain doll from their childhood will drag their treasure in for an appraiser to...