
Besieged Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 Over the last couple of weeks I’ve never been so acutely aware of how differently people see the world. I’ve heard from so many of you about your perspectives on the presidential election and, from what I can gather, the general sentiment...


“Re:member” — Psalm 77 Since the days of the Early Church, Christians have always observed a season of preparation for Easter that focuses on the themes of penance, reconciliation, prayer and good works. We set aside time for honest self-reflection, to ask...

Wide Awake

“Wide Awake” Genesis 28 Several years ago, as a farewell gift, my former congregation in Rancho Santa Margarita presented me with a signed and numbered lithograph by the Russian-born French artist, Marc Chagall, whose work I have long admired and who is one the most...

In Praise of Folly

1 Corinthians 1:18-25 Whether you find yourself jumping at the site of a spider or working up a sweat at the mere thought of boarding an airplane, fears and phobias seem to plague just about every one of us, often in very debilitating ways.  If I were to ask you to...

In Praise of the Imperfect Life

Jeremiah 1:4-10 Ordained ministry is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling vocations imaginable.  As a pastor, I am given to share with others both the ache and the awe of human experience—to sit with others in their darkest hour, to share with them in their...