
Besieged Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 Over the last couple of weeks I’ve never been so acutely aware of how differently people see the world. I’ve heard from so many of you about your perspectives on the presidential election and, from what I can gather, the general sentiment...

Why I Love Rush Limbaugh

This week marked the 50th anniversary of the Children’s Crusade against racial segregation.  The march through downtown Birmingham was led by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and ended with Eugene “Bull” Connor unleashing fire hoses and police dogs on the...

No Longer Strangers

One of my favorite Robert Frost poems, “Mending Wall,” tells of two neighbors who meet one day in the springtime at the stone wall that separates their two farms. As they walk along the wall together, each on their own side, they replace the stones that had fallen...

How to be a Hero

This Sunday will mark the tenth anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks.  It will be a somber day of remembering the dead and honoring those who modeled what Jesus once called the greatest form of love – that of laying down one’s life for others.  It will...

What About Them?

Two events over the last few weeks remind us that we live in a deeply divided world where age-old boundaries continue to be reinforced in light of the “spirit of the times.”  When Anders Breivik went on a shooting and bombing rampage in Norway late last month, killing...