by markfeldmeir | Feb 15, 2012 | Featured, sermon, Updates & Announcements
This past Sunday I spoke about the well-intentioned, but naive advice to “practice random acts of kindness.” It’s not that we don’t need more kindness in the world; it’s that “random” just doesn’t get the job done. The...
by markfeldmeir | Dec 13, 2011 | Updates & Announcements
Dear Friends, I’m pleased to announce the re-release of Testimony to the Exiles: Sermons for GenXers and Other Postmoderns. Drawing from literature, music, pop culture, and personal experience, this collection of 21 sermons touch honestly on such issues as sin,...
by markfeldmeir | Jul 17, 2011 | Updates & Announcements
Over the last few years I have heard from many of my readers about how my first two books, Testimony to the Exiles, and Stirred, Not Shaken, have been helpful in the everyday course of living out their faith. Pastors and laity alike have reached out to me through...